Friday, 6 February 2015

How do I know God?

How do I know God?

In my heart I know God,
A sure and unshakeable belief,
Not shaped by learned erudition
Or habit forming ritual.

In my sure hearts light,
Conviction unshaped by fear,
A knowing presence,
A perfect all sustaining light.

Light is spirit wherever seen,
Whether in Sun drenched room.
All embracing light of day,
Softened by natures play.

God speaks to my heart,
Through life itself,
Trees, flowers and meadow,
Every tuneful summer harmony.

Souls, arbiters of God’s presence
Wrapped in clods of clay.
Their beauty none the less seen,
Though body wracked in pain

God is in the light,
Light of each heart and eye.
Though truth be crucified
Crumpled and folded with age

Until the eyes shutters close
And heaviness laid to rest
And the light dances free
Laughter on Summers breeze

The Self same light
As music and truth
Timeless beauty and compassion
Light stepping, ever free.

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