Friday, 2 June 2017

To be or not to be that is the question.

To be or not to be that is the question. To be is to exist and learn the lessons of time. In reality few of us are alive to the present moment and tend to drift, and dream along within a self made euphoria. Stress without relief can distort the natural order of things, causing strain and a breakdown in health. One coping method is to wear a cloak of invisibility.  Children, who have not been allowed to express themselves, due to an over strict up-bringing, can carry their cloak of invisibility even into adulthood.

We are all spiritual beings enjoying an earthly experience and unless we live each moment, cannot gain the full benefit of the incarnation. This means keeping both feet firmly on the ground and not living in a world of fantasy.

Having a human birth is good fortune indeed and provides the resistance the soul needs in order to develop to its full potential.  The earth bound experience helps us to test the reality of inmost spirit which is eternal and ever free, with freedom of choice; that is if we can avoid getting caught by the hook and line of the worlds predators; a quote from Shakespeare’s hamlet provides food for thought, “I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself the king of infinite space, were it not that I had bad dreams”

We are all modifications of power and essential parts of the functioning of the whole, whether it is the distant stars, the planet earth and all living things on land and sea. Affirming this relationship is a way of restoring inner harmony, whether with a single tree or the distant horizon.

Man often works against the natural order of things and at times threatens to destroy life on the planet. Stress and personal ambition creates waves which we all have to live through, unless we can say stop and work in harmony with the natural intelligence that is invested in all life. To live in the present moment means re-connecting to the subtle life pulse that flows from the Cosmos, energises the Sun and gives life to the earth. This means letting go self-imposed stress and experiencing the timelessness that gives meaning to life.
Experiencing timeless moment’s, means living in the ‘Here and Now’ and using the words ‘Here Now’ to step away from the illusions of time. Similarly the words ‘Now Here’ are of equal importance as it provides the opportunity to attune to the many levels of intelligence, applicable to each level in time. Finally conjoining the words ‘Now Here’ gives us ‘Nowhere’, and the eternal and the timeless origins from which all life and experience arise.

Practise being aware of each step you take, of being in contact with the earth and the pulse of life with the changing seasons; let go of stress as you re-balance and harmonise with nature.  This is the way to ‘Self’ healing.

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