Friday, 11 March 2016

Healing Vibrations

Healing Vibrations arise from centre, not unlike a gong which when struck on centre, vibrates and harmonises from centre to periphery. The centre represents the individual Self, pure and unsullied and not corrupted by the burdens of life. Everything vibrates down to the smallest atom and electron; harmonious vibrations help to hold us in being while the discordant shake us apart. The centre is the seat of Self awareness and consciousness whence arises the rhythms of life. This rhythm is very subtle and often lost in the clamour of daily life so that our inner nature is distorted by stress and eventual breakdown.
The yogi by practising reflexive Self awareness is able to step back into the still centre and develop the intuitive guidance which is reflected like the play of sunlight on the surface of a lake. This inner awakening cannot be forced and is easily lost under the clouds of personal ambition.

You Guru is within; the discovery of which is the aim and culmination of yoga practice, namely Self realisation. The Self referred to is not the ego self, usually written by yogis with a small ‘s’, but the eternal Self which is the Divine Intelligence that resides within. This intelligence or logos word is the shabda or vibratory sound pattern that orders creation.

Patanjali tells us that Yoga is controlling the activities of the mind, as the lower or ordinary mind creates clouds of illusion that obscures the true light of consciousness. It is only when the mind is still that we start to awaken the intuitive mind of the heart. The heart can be described as the ear that listens to inmost spirit and truth. Whether practising asana, meditating or struggling with ill health, a few moments of stillness, no more demanding than an inner smile will light the way forward. No work done when guided by your inner guru is ever lost, as it will be added to your body of crystalline truth.

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