Friday, 26 February 2016

The Breath of Brahman

The Breath of Brahman is the rhythmic flow that sustains all life, before we lose our appetite for living, and life withdraws its interest and allows its forms to rest in recuperative peace. There is a time in the affairs of men that allows us to grow and develop and assimilate all that we have learned; time to digest and discharge all that we have not assimilated, with time to create a fresh body of interest, until ready to continue at whatever level God wills for us.

The Cosmic breath is the inbreathing and out breathing of God; divined by the ancients as the creator and destroyer of all possible worlds, an ever growing body of wisdom, borne out of the success and failings of its creatures.

The absolute forms and patterns that underlay creation are the ideals to be attained; it’s mans failings, or missing the mark that distorts his life, and is the cause of the many afflictions that shorten his life.

The healing breath of Brahman is a yoga technique of letting go and letting God. It is the absolving breath that washes away the impurities that distort our true nature. It can be practised prior to sleep or when relaxing in ‘savasana’, ‘the pose of complete relaxation’, when with clear mind; we release all tension and attune our breath to the creative breath of life. This spontaneous form of breathing requires an act of faith when we ‘let go’, and breathe at one with the breath of God. ‘From out of the Breath of God, arises the light or consciousness of the breath, the catalyst for change throughout the entire body’.

Doubt and disbelief, that we exist within a field of intelligent life force, are obstacles to opening to the healing power of the breath. Study and the practice of yoga will gradually open heart and mind to the living reality of the world in which we live. Help and guidance can be given to others, from the practice of healing hands; by placing one hand of the front of the abdomen and the other at the back and guiding your partner in meditative abdominal breathing, as you continually refine your perceptions, and become aware of the healing power of the breath.

Similar benefits can be obtained with mid chest or lateral breathing, when the hands placed at each side of the rib cage. For upper chest healing, with breath; the hands are placed high up, front and back of the rib cage.

Only the light of the breath that is consciousness in its purest form can promote healing within the organism. This becomes possible through the work of the yogi and the attainment of the highest possible development of our consciousness.

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