Friday, 25 September 2015

The “H” breath or Seven Breath

The “H” breath or Seven Breath is so named, as the inflowing breath is a series of steps as if ascending a hierarchical ladder with brief pauses for prana assimilation. The more subtle the breath the better, with each in-breath becoming more refined until experienced as if it were a flow of light and consciousness. It is advised that before practising these subtle forms of breathing that the ethical principles of yoga are firmly established.

This meditational breath starts by breathing in to the level of the Base chakra; with a pause for prana assimilation, the inflowing breath then continues with a brief pause at the pelvic chakra for the assimilation of light and energy. The inflowing breath then continues with similar pauses at each chakra, so that each chakra receives the refining light of the conscious breath.

This type of breathing relies upon the intelligence of the practitioner, as there has to be no stress, or strain experienced during the process, even if this means starting with a fresh breath if there is insufficient lung capacity.

The symbolic Eight Breath, which is no breath at all, is the experience of ‘no mind’ which occurs on completion of the cycle, as if stepping off into infinity and becoming one with all that is ...infinite spirit.

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