Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Two Paths

There are two paths that we can follow in life; one is called the path of the Moon, and the other the path of the Sun. The path of the Moon is the path of the ancestors and follows tradition; it offers stability, with very little change; it follows repetitive patterns of behaviour, with very little initiative. The path of the Sun can be likened to the path of the Yogi, as those on the path of the Sun bring light to the world, and are creative and free willed. From the moment we are born, we are caught in a net of human behaviour, recorded in our protoplasm that reaches back into the dawn of human history. Not surprising, decision making is based on what has gone before, by responding to impulses locked in the memory of our cells.

The path of the Sun/Son brings light and clarity to the world, which in ancient times could be a dangerous path to follow and lead to crucifixion. Not everyone appreciates those who think freely and outside of the box, even if the message is a peaceful one.

We are all a part of a vast stream of life that has its origins in the cosmos; we have all made our decisions, and developed in different ways according to our nature. None of us are that different, and have our origins in the sound geometry of the universe. The intelligence that first precipitated life is still with us today and so-called death is simply a withdrawal from the body, and what withdraws, persists at other levels of being. Those who follow the path of the Moon are locked in to the path of the ancestors and the inertias of the past. The Yogi breaks this inertia and is guided by the pure light of consciousness and little by little discovers him/herself as Will; that is a conscious being, initiating change in accordance with the light of the moment.

A Yogi stepping onto the path of the Sun without the guidance of a Guru is best guided by the Eight Limbs of Raja, Yoga as outlined by Patanjali. First steps may be faltering as there is much to learn and to put into practice. It is a case of, off with the old and on with the new; changing the inertia of century’s takes time, as each one of us is a leading edge of a particular line of development, with historical strengths and weaknesses that still try to influence today.

The essence of Yoga, and the path of the Sun, is discovering one’s Self as Will; which does not mean inclination or desire, but living in the light of the moment, and not influenced by engrammatic or memory traces from the past. Hence the necessity to understand and re-structure, guided by the Eight Limbs of Yoga. Any success attained in overcoming private purpose, or ego motivated action, is a victory not only for ourselves, but for the whole of the family line, as none of us live in isolation from the rest.

Yoga correctly understood will ultimately affect the whole of the human race, as no one is isolated from the resonance, or vibes, from each other’s actions. Each time we switch on the TV; there is very little about Peace and Harmony in the world; every time you are reminded of the worlds suffering, touch that inner space, where you found Peace during your Yoga practice, and send it into to the world.

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