Friday, 26 December 2014


Namaste – Christmas is that period of time when the Sun reaches its maximum southern declination, before being re-born on Christmas day. This symbolic period is recognised by many, by decorating the Fir Tree or Fire Tree in their homes. Its significance is not lost on the yogi, who is reminded of the Vedic Fire Ceremony Agnihotra, which honours the return of the Sun after the darkness of night. Light is symbolic of the Self and Consciousness and the untroubled eternal light of the Self Realised Yogi. This is expressed beautifully by these verses from the Bhagavad Gita, translated by Juan Mascaro’. Ch6, v16-19.

Yoga is a harmony. Not for him who eats too much, or
for him who eats too little; not for him who sleeps too
little, or for him who sleeps too much.

A harmony in eating and resting, in sleeping and keeping
awake; a perfection in whatever one does. This is the
Yoga that gives peace from all pain.

When the mind of the Yogi is in harmony and finds rest
in the Spirit within, all restless desires gone, then he is
A Yukta, one in God.

Then his soul is a lamp whose light is steady, for it burns

in a shelter where no winds come.

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