represents the ideal that is a calm disposition in the face of
adversity, flexibility and good health with the ability to calmly
adjust when things go wrong. A Yogi is generally optimistic, cheery
and a good companion to have at your side. To look up the popular
definitions of Yoga, we find that it has its roots in the Sanskrit
language and means Union that is to join or yoke with God. This
somewhat intangible statement hints at the highest level of
relationship between the whole of nature and man himself. The Yogi
does not live in isolation from all that is around him, but enjoys
the refreshing stillness of the mountain top, the life giving
vitality of nature and the energy of sunlight. God speaks to him in
the silent space within, as well as in bird song and the sighing of
the wind. His truth is a measure of reality, in clearly structured
and measured thought. There is nothing to prove, and whether he is
here or there he is always at the Centre of his Universe, his truth
arises from an inner clarity that transcends the time oppressed
world. There is intelligence in nature that unfolds in every living
thing, wherein nothing is rushed or forced, and truth as embodied
love expresses its beauty and form according to its inmost nature.
The Yogi clear in heart and mind is attuned to the natural rhythms of
life, with nothing to prove, his watchword is ahimsa (non injury),
and his guidance is directed toward developing the uniqueness that
lies within each. He does not force or strain beyond his natural
limits, encourages harmonious relationship between every living
thing, his teaching directed toward health and wholeness of being in
one and all.
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