Tuesday, 12 August 2014


Dreamtime and Dreaming is an important part of sleep patterns; as dreaming is a safety valve that helps relieve stress; by dramatising and forming new relationships, between deeply hidden fears and emotions. Without the release of tension and anxiety during dreams, the hidden stress would manifest in illness and many stress related conditions. A stress driven mind is not conducive to sleep, and one way in which to induce dreaming and restful sleep, is with eyes closed, practise peaceful relaxed breathing, at the same time watching with interest the images that drift through the mind. These images can arise from different levels, from day to day emotional attachments, to hidden anxieties carried to us from childhood. If you observe these images without attachment, as they drift idly bye, sleep will soon follow.

Occasionally we may need to make a more positive impact upon dreamtime, such as when disturbed by stress or a mind struggling with an unresolved problem. This is where sincere heartfelt prayer can be of help, such as the ‘Lord’s Prayer’, with focus on its meaning and its relevance to you. The Yogi can also use words in the form of a repetitive mantra, such as mentally repeating “Let all that is irrelevant to the healing of this being, be banished”, or “Let all that is contrary to my peace of mind and tranquillity be banished”. Whatever the form of words, it is important that you feel comfortable with them and then carry the associated feeling into sleep.

Words and sentences can help influence the energy of dreamtime, such as those which include Truth, Love, Goodness, Happiness, Strength and many similar words representing important functions that give rise to a feeling of stability. Many of the words and images that appear on TV prior to retiring can adversely influence our dreams, therefore before sleep, take control and allow a little time, either to count your blessing, listen to music and enjoy the space which is your own.

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